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Sarah Hibbert, Security Operations Centre (SOC) Manager | ITPS

Posted on: 11th July 2024

Not everyone makes a successful mid-career pivot, but our Security Operations Centre (SOC) Manager Sarah Hibbert is a prime example of where drive, determination and ambition can lead.

As a former bank manager of a high performing branch, her role saw her get involved with handling the rise in online fraud cases, an area of business she was keen to explore by taking on new challenges and moving into a more technical role.  

At 34 and one of only a few females on the course, she embarked on a networking and cybersecurity degree at Sunderland University and was sponsored by the CyberFirst scheme backed by the National Cyber Security Centre. Moving into the 24/7 fraud team at the bank allowed her to juggle university with work shifts. 

“I loved the course, I’m naturally curious and I love digging into things. I felt I’d really found my groove,” says Sarah.

“I came across ITPS at a careers fair mid-course, and the HR team got in touch a few months before I graduated with a first class honours, with a potential opportunity for me.” 

Sarah initially joined us a cyber security analyst, doing cyber security engineer work and helping with project delivery of various cyber security projects, which gave her the real world experience to match what she had learnt at university.  

When we carried out our long term aim to establish a Security Operations Centre Sarah was the obvious choice to lead the team, bringing with her an ideal combination of leadership experience and technical knowledge.

“Having discussed with customers exactly what they wanted from a SOC I went ahead and built the proof of concept so I was delighted to be invited to head up the project,” she added.

“Our SOC provides an invaluable service for customers, it gives them eyes on glass 24/7 protection for their business. When building our next generation SOC I knew that automation would be pivotal and set us apart from our competitors. Time is of the essence in cybersecurity and using the latest automation tools mean rather than having cyber security analysts manually detect, triage and contain a breach, we can do this with automation within 90 seconds.”  

Holding a senior technical role in a male-dominated industry, Sarah is clear about the benefits of a diverse workforce.  

“Personally, I’ve never really felt held back, the opportunities are there if you seek them out. Diversity is good for a business, we all think and work differently, we’re not the same and nor should we be.    

“I’m keen to encourage new talent of all types into the business. I get a lot back from mentoring and I plan to carry on with that as soon as time allows.  

So where does Sarah see her career going next? 

“I’m constantly seeking the next challenge and in the tech field, no day goes by without learning something new,” she says.  

“Life is too short to have a job that bores you. My advice to women – and to men – is to get out there, find a supportive employer who will give you the opportunities, and do what you love.” 

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